Delivery Records


Facilities Delivered

Steering frame assembly assistive devices

Front axle installation assistive devices

Semi-automated chassis no. inscribers

Automated tire fitting assistive devices

Transmission fitting assistive devices

Crankshaft rotators

XY-table air pump sealing equipment

Automated air blowers for shower tester

Glass picking equipment

Glass picking assistive devices

XY-table cowl-trump sealing

Sync. glass picking equipment

Front strut fitting assistive devices

F/D assembly line to shipping conveyance systems

Engine block assembly assistive devices

Air blowers for shower tester

Lifts for transmission fitting

Tire assembly assistive devices

Front member transfer assistive devices

Rear door mounting assistive devices

Sunroof mounting assistive devices

Seat mounting assistive devices

Wheel mounting assistive devices

Strut fitting assistive devices

Automated PGF sticking equipment

Roof molding conveyors

Steering member mounting assistive devices

Crankshaft rotators

Door demounting and transfer assistive devices

Slide door fitting assistive devices

Front-end module mounting equipment

Cockpit mounting assistive devices

Front seat mounting assistive devices

LLC fillers

Grand tire fitting assistive devices and installation work (R/L)

Spare tire conveyors

Battery mounting assistive devices

Leak checkers

Cockpit module mounting assistive devices

Exhaust tube fitting assistive devices

Automated short block ASSY conveyors (9m)

Crank processing line marking press

Block processing flight conveyors

Testbench transfer ancillary equipment

Strut assembly sub-equipment

Assembled sub-crank receivers

Completed crank shooters

Front-end module assembly assistive devices

TOP-load sunroof assembly assistive devices

Front underbody tightening jigs

Rear underbody tightening jigs

Tire hub nut tightening equipment

Automated short block ASSY conveyors (15m)

Strut re-tightening equipment

Bumper boring jigs

Seatbelt inner equipment

Press component feeders

Compact elevators

Image recognition devices for production processes

Strut retightening equipment

Trim line KIT feeders

Bumper feeders

Suspension member retightening equipment


Small-size truck assembly line systems

Door sub-line KIT feeders

Conveyor-and-lift system for tire conveyance lines

FEM carriers and system architecture

Harness carriers and system architecture

Engine carriers and system architecture

Error-proofing systems for electrodeposited components

Glass picking equipment

Bumper conveyor systems

Axle conveyor systems

Trim kit platform carrier systems

Door kit platform carrier systems

Wheel conveyor systems

Automated pin detaching and attaching systems

PSW systems

Automated rotator systems for leaf conveyance

Treasure ship system for MBR work

Hoist equipment for sub-line picking

Automated nut runner tightening systems

Shower testers

Sunroom mounting assist systems

FEM mounting assist systems

CPM mounting assist systems

Seat mounting assist systems

Engine conveyor systems

Automated frame carrier systems

Frame inscription systems

Production order monitoring and control systems

Automated oiling systems

Instrument panel conveyor systems

Side glass positioning systems

Traffic management and control systems for third-party AGVs

Emblem camera detection systems

Automated inspection robot systems

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